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This couple bought a caravan in 1953 and this is what it looks like 60 years later! Amazing!


This caravan is a true time capsule!

When you buy a house it might just be that you find something very special that’s almost like a treasure in or around it. This happened to an American couple who came across an authentic caravan from the 50s. They bought a foreclosed home that had been empty for years. They had no idea they would find this caravan in an abandoned shed!

When they opened the doors they found this amazing old caravan. The inside is in the exact same state it was left in 60 years ago. It’s a 1953 35′ Vagabond. The owners bought it in 1953 and used it for a couple of years before storing it away. That’s why it still looks as good as new. Take a look at the pictures of the caravan below! Doesn’t it look fantastic?

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