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This is how you put away your Christmas tree lights without them getting tangled

christmas tree lights

How do you put away your Christmas tree lights properly?

Christmas is over, the tree will leave the house within the next couple of days and the baubles are going back to their usual place in the attic or other storage space. Time for a fresh start and a new year! But that year will get off on the wrong foot right away when you find out you’re going to have to put away those Christmas tree lights. It’s a struggle every year.

Because how do you store aways those lights without them becoming a tangled mess?


Storing away the Christmas tree lights is an annoying chore every single year and we usually give up in frustration after a few tries and just throw the entire mess in a box. It’s not a good idea to do this, though, because you’ll regret it a year later when you have to untangle the entire thing again. Your future self will be grateful if you put in that extra bit of trouble and store away those lights nice and neat. It’ll save you a lot of frustration next year.


Plus, putting away your Christmas tree lights isn’t as difficult as you might have thought at first. All you need is a piece of cardboard, like the box the lights came in when you bought them. Wrap the string of lights around a piece of cardboard, a cardboard tube or a clothes hanger. Do this for every string of lights you have hanging around your house. Now, label them with some tape and write down where the particular string of lights hung in your house. That’ll save you a lot of arguing when you’re getting out the lights again next year. You know exactly where they need to go, and they’re not tangled at all.

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Source: Libelle | Image: Unsplash