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This is the biggest mistake people make when putting up their Christmas tree!

christmas tree

This mistake can ruin your Christmas tree!

December is finally here and Advent has begun. Have you put up your decorations and Christmas tree already or is it still on your To Do list? We’ve already been listening to Christmas music and our trees will be going up ASAP! We’ll make sure not to make this one big mistake, though…

This has nothing to do with style or taste, but with life or death (of your tree)!

Christmas tree
When the weather outside is getting frightful, the best remedy is to start getting ready for Christmas! Start listening to Christmas music, bake Christmas cookies, watch Christmas films and those wonderful ads, and, of course, put up the Christmas tree. There’s probably all kinds of etiquette and ideas about colour schemes and what’s tacky and what’s not, but we don’t care about that. As long as you like it yourself, that’s all that matters. But there is one thing that’s important to keep in mind when you put up your tree.

And that is where you put it! You should never place your tree next to a radiator or a fireplace, according to David Mitchel (someone important at Wyevale Garden Centres). He explains that putting a Christmas tree next to any kind of heater will make sure that the tree dries out quicker. This means that it’ll die sooner as well. As if that isn’t enough, it also means that you risk starting a fire. Yikes!

The best place to put up your tree is in a cool spot. Want to do it absolutely perfectly? Place it next to the window. Of course, you might not have the space to put it anywhere else than next to a source of heat. If that’s the case, you should cut of a small part of the base of the tree and make sure it gets water regularly so it doesn’t dry out.

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Source: Libelle | Image as illustration