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9 surprising things you can also use a bar of soap for

bar of soap

Do you ever use soap for these purposes?

Do you ever smuggle one of those tiny bars of soap out of hotels after spending the night there? You now have an extra reason to keep these bars around and not throw them away. Because did you know you can do so much more with soap than just wash your hands with it? Soap is very useful around the house as well and not just for cleaning! So, keep around a bar of soap for these nine purposes.

Nine chores around the house you can use soap for.

1. Stuck drawers and sliding doors

When drawers and sliding doors are difficult to open, you can use a bar of soap to make them slide smoothly again. Simply rub the soap onto both edges of the drawer or in the door tracks and your problem is solved.

2. Hide small holes in walls

Got small nail holes in your wall? Use a bar of soap in the same colour as the wall and rub this over the hole. We dare to bet you won’t be able to find the hole again!

3. Prevent paint splatters

Are you about to paint a piece of wall next to a window or mirror? By rubbing the glass with soap, you’ll prevent paint splatters from sticking to the window or mirror in question. With the soap underneath, you’ll be able to easily wipe away any splatters. This way, you’ll never have to tape the windows again. All you need is a bar of soap!

4. Unstick a zipper

A stuck zipper is incredibly annoying, but it’s easy to fix with a bar of soap. Rub the soap onto the teeth of the zipper and you’ll see it will run perfectly smoothly again.

Go to the next page for more of these soap tips!

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