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Here are 5 easy ways to catch fruit flies in your home

Milk, sugar and pepper

Put 450 millilitre milk, 110 grams of sugar and 50 grams of ground pepper into a saucepan and leave it on the stove on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the mixture to cool down slightly and then pour it into a bowl. The fruit flies won’t be able to resist the mixture and get right into it, which will cause them to drown.

Red wine

Fruit flies don’t just like vinegar, they also love the smell of red wine. Just leave a little layer of red wine in the bottle and before you know it it will be full of fruit flies. Because the bottle has such a narrow opening, the flies will be able to get in, but they won’t be able to find their way out again.

Read more: Prevent fruit from browning with this easy and simple tip!

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Source: Good Housekeeping | Images: video still Good Housekeeping, Pixabay

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