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10 amazing things around the house you can use used tea bags for

used tea bags

7. Smells

Tea has the power to mask nasty smells. That’s why it’s a good idea to put used tea bags in spots you think are a little smelly, like your cat’s litter box or the bottom of a trash can. You’ll notice the nasty smells will quickly be absorbed and the surrounding area will smell fresh again.

6. Fireplace

If you want to clean your fireplace, you can make sure it’s safer to do so by using tea bags. To prevent the ashes from possibly catching fire again after you’ve swept them up, you can put the insides of damp, used tea bags onto the ash. After doing this, you can easily sweep up the ashes and throw them out.

5. Bath

You can also add used tea bags to your bath water for a delicious, calming scent. Plus, the antioxidants in tea are good for your skin as well! Go for a nice smell like chamomile or jasmine tea for the ultimate moment of relaxation.

4. Insect bite

Through the use of a used tea bag, you can take the sting out of an insect bite. Put a cooled down, used tea bag onto the bite. The itch will reduce straight away. This trick also works well when you have a sunburn.

3. Hairs

If you often have greasy hair, you can use tea to remove all of the filth and product build-up. Soak three or four used tea bags in a considerable amount of warm water and let it sit for half an hour. After washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, pour the tea water over your hair and don’t rinse it. Extra tip: if you use chamomile tea you can make your blonde hair more blonde! For brunettes: black tea can add copper tones to your hair.

2. Rug

Got a beautiful rug in your living room but has it started to smell a bit? Don’t panic! Sprinkle the (dry!) contents of a used tea bag over the rug and leave this to sit for a little bit. Then vacuum the rug like you normally would.

1. Shoes

Just like a rug, shoes can start to smell pretty bad after a while. Leaving a dried used tea bag inside your shoes overnight can work wonders against these smells!

Read more: We had no idea: this is the healthiest tea to drink! The benefits are amazing!

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Source: The Kitchn | Image: Wikimedia Commons, Selma90

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