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This is what the time you wake up in the middle of the night says about your health!

The time you wake up in the middle of the night might indicate that something is amiss with one of your organs. Do you wake up a lot at night? This is what it means!

Between 11 pm and 1 am

This two hour period is the moment when your gall bladder is having a peak in activity. When you wake up at this time, your gall bladder is basically telling you you should eat less greasy food or drink less coffee and/or alcohol. Mentally it could mean that you’re too hard on both yourself and others and might have bitter feelings because of that.

Between 1 am and 3 am

If you wake up at this time a lot, it’s possible that something is wrong with your liver. Mentally it could mean that you’ve got suppressed anger that you haven’t worked through properly.

Between 3 am and 5 am

Your lungs can really tell you something about your health when you wake up in this time slot. Do you often have to cough and do you also cough up slime sometimes? You might want to visit the doctor with this. As far as your mental health goes, this time might indicate you’ve got sadness or grief that you haven’t worked through yet.

Between 5 am and 7 am

This time slot means your colon is having its peak in activity. Take a good look at your digestion; is everything working as it should in that area? Do you often feel bloated or do you have bad breath a lot? Mentally it could mean that you’re dissatisfied about something. Spend some time with your feelings to figure out what’s bothering you!

Read more: Wow! So THIS is what your sleeping position says about your health!

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Image: Pexels

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