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This is what the time you wake up in the middle of the night says about your health!


Do you often wake up at a certain time in the middle of the night? It can tell you a lot about your health!

It happens to us all from time to time; you wake up and when you look at your alarm clock you see that it’s nowhere near time to get up yet. Most of us just close our eyes again and fall right back asleep. It’s a bit annoying when it happens every night, or even a couple of times a night, though. Then it can really ruin your night’s sleep.

It will leave you tired during the day.

Sleeping pill

So, what do you do then? Just take a sleeping pill and hope for the best for your night’s sleep? Taking a sleeping pill means you’re only treating the symptoms, and that way you’re ignoring the underlying problem. The time you wake up in the middle of the night can tell you a lot more about your physical and mental health than you might think.

Chinese medicine

According to traditional Chinese medicine your inner biological clock is very important and the organs in your body are subject to a cyclus of 24 hours. Every two hours, another organ has a peak in activity. So, by taking a look at the time when you wake up in the middle of the night, you’ll know what organ is most active at that time. When a particular organ is bothering you during the peak in activity, this might indicate an illness.

Go to the next page to find out what the time you wake up in the middle of the night can say about your health!

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