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This simple drink will detox your body and give you a flat stomach!

flat stomach

A flat stomach and a cleansed body!

With all those chemicals we pump into our bodies every day, it’s not a bad idea to give your body a boost and detox it every now and then. Of course, you can buy all kinds of expensive teas and drinks to cleanse your body. Or you could make this very simple drink, which will detox your body and help you achieve that flat stomach.

You only need four ingredients!

What do you need?

  • 500 ml coconut water
  • 7 scoops watermelon
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 3 lemon slices

This is how to do it:

  • Pour the coconut water in a glass and stir through the watermelon, lemon and mint leaves.
  • Place the drink in the fridge and leave it there for at least two or three hours. Ideally, you would leave the drink in the fridge over night.
  • Drink it while it’s cold.

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Source and image: Yummly