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5 signs you shouldn’t ignore your back pain

3. Limping

Are you starting to walk with a limp along with your back aching? Then it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about what to do. It’s better to treat the problem as quickly as possible before you suffer permanent damage and walk with a limp for the rest of your life.

4. Intestinal or bladder problems

Besides your backache, are you experiencing pain in your bladder or bowel? Then it’s very important to contact a doctor, especially if the symptoms are acute. It might be a sign of the rare Cauda Equina Syndrome. A doctor can provide a definitive answer.

5. Pain in your entire body

Do you not only have an aching back but also a fever, chills and night sweats? Contact your doctor. This might be a sign of your body reacting to something. It could be innocent, but in more serious cases it might also be a symptom of cancer. So, visiting your doctor might be wise.

Read more: 10 warning signs of bad blood circulation

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Source: TipHero | Image: Pixabay

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