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These are the 9 signals your body gives off when you’ve got a blood clot

5. Skin discolouration

Do you suddenly have an inexplicable red area on your arm or leg? This can be a symptom of venous thrombosis. Does the spot feel warm and soft? This can indicate a blood clot underneath the skin.

6. Swelling

When your ankle, shin or wrist suddenly starts to get swollen, this can indicate venous thrombosis in your arm or leg. The blood clot blocks the blood circulation, which causes the blood to be unable to flow away. The blood stays behind the clot and this causes the body part to swell up.

7. Pain in arms or legs

It might seem like a relatively innocent shooting pain or muscle cramp in your arms or legs, but be warned. Does the pain get worse as soon as you start to walk or stretch? If this is the case and your skin also looks red and swollen, you’ve got a clear symptom of a blood clot in your body.

8. Vomiting

You can also develop a blood clot in your stomach. This is also called intestinal ischemia. Are you experiencing a lot of nausea, stomach pains and vomiting? This might be a symptom of intestinal ischemia. Visit your doctor immediately.

9. Vision

A blood clot can also affect your vision. Do you normally have no problems with your vision at all but are you experiencing dizziness and balance problems now? This can be a sign that there’s a blood clot in the artery that’s connected to your eye. Again, it’s very important to go to the doctor right away with this.

Read more: Everyone should know about this subtle symptom of lung cancer

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Source: VTmag | Image: video still

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