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This is why you actually shouldn’t be sitting with your legs crossed

legs crossed

Do you always sit with your legs crossed?

A real lady sits with her legs crossed, or that’s what we have always been told. Plus, if you’re wearing a dress or a skirt and don’t want everybody to see what’s going on down under, it’s probably best to keep your legs crossed anyway. But the next time you cross your legs, you might want to consider whether you really want to do that. Apparently, it carries quite a lot of risk with it.

An article by the BBC shows that sitting with crossed legs isn’t very healthy for you.


It turns out that sitting with your legs crossed for extended periods of time isn’t very good for you. By crossing one leg over the other and sitting like that for a while, your foot or leg can get numb because you’re putting pressure on a specific nerve behind your knee. It’s also said that crossing your legs can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. That’s because crossed legs push blood up to your heart. That doesn’t sound very healthy, does it? You’re impeding the flow of blood, which is also why people with a high risk of blood clots are advised not to cross their legs.

Varicose veins

Not only that but crossing your legs often can also lead to varicose veins. Because of the pressure you put on your legs, the soft structure of the vein becomes stretched. This can cause those dreaded varicose veins. You don’t have to be afraid of getting a varicose vein if you sit with your legs crossed for just a minute or two, but if you regularly cross your legs for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, the risk increases significantly.

Go to the next page to find out what effect sitting with your legs crossed has on your posture and what problems this can cause!

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