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This trick with a clothespin should help to relieve pain in various parts of your body

Pressure point 1

The top part of your ear is connected to your back and shoulders. Pin a clothespin in this specific spot for about a minute if you want to reduce the tension in your shoulders. Repeat this multiple times a day to reduce your pain.

Pressure point 2

The second pressure point is connected to your internal organs. Of course, if you’re suffering from a lot of pain in one of your organs, you should definitely visit a doctor. However, if you’re experiencing a little discomfort or minor pain, you can pin a clothespin to point number 2. It will relieve the pain.

Pressure point 3

This point is connected to pain and stiffness in your joints. You can relieve this pain or pressure by placing a clothespin or simply squeezing this pressure point.

Pressure point 4

This pressure point is connected to your sinuses and throat. For example, when you have a cold or a sinus infection, applying pressure to this pressure point can help relieve the tension. A clothespin can also help relieve a sore throat.

Pressure point 5

The spot just above your earlobe is connected to your digestion. Using a clothespin to apply pressure to this point can help to reduce digestive problems and small stomach issues. Plus, if you’re someone who often has problems with their digestion, you can also use this method as a preventative measure.

Pressure point 6

The lowest part of your ear is the point that is connected to two of the most important parts of your body: your heart and your head. By applying pressure to your earlobe, you can improve your cardiac health and relieve unwanted pressure in your head. This method can be pretty effective when it comes to relieving tension headaches.

For the entire explanation, you can take a look at the video below.

Read more: 5 signs you shouldn’t ignore your back pain

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Source: YouTube | Image: Flickr, Travis Isaacs Wikimedia Commons, Loadmaster 

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