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Do you have receding gums? This natural remedy might just be the solution

Natural remedies

There are several natural remedies that can help you in your fight against gum recession. We do feel the need to mention that these remedies can no longer help you when your gums are so far gone that you need surgery. However, you won’t get to that stage overnight, so if you act in a timely fashion, you might still be able to fix things.

Green tea

Multiple studies have shown that drinking green tea can help when you have problems with your teeth or your gums and they are in bad condition. Green tea can help to prevent bleeding and it can also reduce any cavities.

Aloe vera

This plant can be beneficial for multiple different gum problems. Aloe vera also has protective properties. Have you managed to get rid of your gum problems? Then we would recommend continuing to use a type of toothpaste that has aloe vera as one of its ingredients.


Eucalyptus contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can make it really helpful when it comes to combating gum recession. Want to try using eucalyptus? Rinse your mouth every day with the following mixture: 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil and 250 millilitres of warm water.

Read more: 3 signs you probably grind your teeth in your sleep

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