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6 reasons why garlic is really good for you

4. It gives your immune system a boost

Garlic is said to be good for your immune system. Researchers from the Medical University of Maryland wanted to find out whether this is truly the case and did some research. They found out that if you take a garlic supplement every day for the duration of twelve weeks, you can alleviate your cold by 63 per cent. Besides that, the colds of the people who had the supplements didn’t last as long as those of the people who had placebos.

5. It can help remove splinters

If you’ve gotten a splinter in your finger or somewhere else, you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. In some cases, a pair of tweezers is enough to remove it, but you might need something more for other splinters. Save yourself some trouble next time, and place a clove of garlic on top of the splinter, fastening it with a band-aid. The garlic will remove the splinter from your skin.

6. It helps against hair loss

Some people swear to the fact that garlic helps against hair loss. By rubbing a cut clove of garlic on your scalp, you combat fungi and improve your blood circulation. This, in turn, causes the roots of your hair to be better nourished. It should be noted, though, that garlic doesn’t help against genetic hair loss, but it can help if you’re experiencing hair loss due to a vitamin deficit or bad circulation. Do wash your hair after you’ve rubbed garlic all over your head.

Read more: Does tea with honey really help against a cold or is it a fable?

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Source: Women’s HealthEsthetic HealthMens en Gezondheid | Image: Pexels

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