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Victim warns: never put your feet up on the dashboard


Because of the impact of her knees, Gráinne had broken almost every bone in her face. Not only that, but cerebrospinal fluid leaked out of her skull and she also lost two teeth. Surgeons did everything they could to restore her entire face, but a year after the accident she experienced a setback. Her entire forehead had to be removed. Gráinne lived without a forehead for two years, until she received a ceramic forehead. Besides this, she also had to rehabilitate for a really long time and she still experiences problems with remembering things and concentrating. She has headaches on a regular basis and can’t deal with busy situations. She also can’t remember anything from the accident or the period surrounding it.


Gráinne now tries to warn as many people as she can via Facebook. She gets frustrated and annoyed when she sees celebrities share pictures of their feet up on the dashboard via Instagram and Snapchat. Gráinne thinks they should set a good example since they have a big audience and are often seen as role models.

Well, we certainly have been warned and won’t ever put our feet up on the dashboard again, that’s for sure.

Read more: This thing we all do after just waking up is actually really bad for you

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Source: Facebook | Image: Angela C. via Flickr

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