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Got a growling or grumbling stomach? This is what it means

5. Gastro-intestinal problems

There are many more things that can cause a bubbling tummy. A few examples are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obstipation or Crohn’s disease. Does the bubbling really come from your stomach? Then you might be dealing with a stomach ulcer, a hiatal hernia or a shortage of stomach acid.

6. Sloshing stomach and bowel

If you have drunk too much water or eaten too much soup, you can hear sloshing inside your stomach; this is all the liquid in there. You can also hear sloshing in your abdomen. The liquid doesn’t get removed from the stool until the large intestine, which means your stool is still quite liquidy on the way there, hence the sloshing.


So, what can you do about a noisy stomach or bowel? If it’s caused by an innocent reason, like gas or moisture, we have a few tips for you. Leave the sugar and simple carbohydrates for what they are for a while and try to solve the problem with probiotics. Eat plenty of fibres and try to avoid processed foods. Eat small meals at set times. Yoghurt, buttermilk and kefir can help calm down your bowel. If you’re really having a lot of problems with noise from your belly, it’s best to visit a doctor to rule out any serious causes.

Read more: 7 signs you might have food poisoning

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Source: Gezondr | Image: Pxhere

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