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These 3 fruits will help you get rid of that bloated feeling

2. Papaya

Looking for a fruit that’s good for your bowel and your digestion? Look no further than the brightly coloured papaya. This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called papain that helps along the digestion of protein. Besides that, this fruit is rich in fibres as well, which will also make your bowel happy. This all means that if you have trouble with constipation or diarrhoea, you’ll benefit from eating papaya. If you’re eating some of this fruit anyway, you might as well eat some of the black papaya seeds. These seeds are full of important nutrients like calcium, magnesium and phosphor.

3. Kiwi

We know kiwi fruit as the green vitamin C bombs. They’re very healthy for you and even have a mild laxative effect. You can quickly reduce a bloated feeling by eating a kiwi. Kiwis also contain an enzyme called actinidin, which also helps with the digestion of protein. Not only that, but kiwis also contain a lot of fibres. Do you want to increase the number of fibres you eat? Then you can try eating the peel of the kiwi as well. Although it doesn’t sound very nice, it actually tastes a lot better (and a lot less hairy) than you might think.

Read more: This is the top 10 of healthiest fruits to eat

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Source: Women’s Health Mag | Image: Pixabay

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