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Want to arm yourself against the flu? Eat this vegetable more often!


Apart from combating or even preventing the flu, mushrooms have a lot more benefits. They’re low in calories and sodium and also don’t contain a lot of cholesterol. Plus, you can do so many things with mushrooms! Add them to a soup, pasta sauce or a quiche. Here’s a great recipe for mushroom soup!


Do you detest mushrooms? Then at least make sure you eat enough leafy greens like spinach and kale. People who do eat a lot of mushrooms also still need to eat a sufficient amount of other vegetables and fruits in order to stay healthy. It’s also important to get enough exercise as well as vitamin D. Combine the two and take a walk in the sun right after lunch. Do you not have the opportunity to catch a few rays of sun every now and then? Then it might be a good idea to start taking vitamin D supplements, especially in winter.

Read more: With these 6 tips you’ll get rid of your cold within 24 hours

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Source: Flair | Image: Unsplash

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