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Want to arm yourself against the flu? Eat this vegetable more often!


Eat this vegetable to reduce the risk of getting the flu

You can get sick with the flu any day of the year, but when it’s cold out the risk seems to be a little higher. There’s definitely more sneezing going on in the winter and before you know it one of your friends or colleagues gives you a nice bout of the flu. They blow their nose in tissue after tissue and a few days later you start to notice you’re not feeling that well either. You can’t prevent it entirely, but you can definitely help along your immune system, for example by eating this vegetable more often.

To be fair, it’s generally important to eat a lot of vegetables, but this one helps even more to prevent the flu!


Apart from the fact that you should eat enough vegetables in general, there’s one vegetable that really arms you against the flu: the mushroom. Mushrooms are chock full of vitamins and mineral that do a lot of good for your immune system. In traditional Chinese medicine, mushrooms have been used for hundreds of years already for when someone is feeling feverish or feels the flu coming on. That’s because they detoxify the liver.

Want to know what else the mushroom is good for? Go to the next page!

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