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With these 5 tips you’ll avoid eating too much food during the holidays

3. Eat off a smaller plate

Here’s a trick to make sure you eat less: pick a smaller plate. A big plate naturally has more room for food, which causes you to shovel more food onto it and eat a bigger portion. Take a smaller plate and you’ll see you will automatically eat less as well!

4. Don’t save up your calories

We’ve probably all done it: eat as little as possible during the day so we can eat all we want at night. Unfortunately, this method is actually counterproductive. When you eat very little, your blood sugar levels drop and you’ll get the urge to eat a lot of (unhealthy) food. It’s much better to eat a bit of fruit or vegetables or a few nuts a few hours before Christmas dinner. That way, you won’t have the urge to binge in the evening.

5. Make sure you get enough sleep

You’re more hungry when you’re tired. When you sleep fewer than five hours a night, your body will produce fewer of the hormones that make sure you feel full at the end of a meal. So, make sure you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep!

Read more: 6 tips to keep your Christmas tree fresh all through the holidays

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Source: Libelle | Image: Unsplash

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