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Recognise deep vein thrombosis in your leg on time by these 5 symptoms


These are the symptoms you should be looking out for:

  • A leg that swells up easily
  • A heavy sensation or pain in your leg
  • A light discolourment of your leg, often blueish
  • A mild fever
  • Tight skin that looks red and shiny with veins on the surface

Other symptoms that could possibly occur are:

  • A white leg
  • Sensitivity or pain in the leg
  • Calf strain
  • Pain when you’re walking that stops when you stop moving


It’s important to treat deep vein thrombosis in your leg as quickly as possible because there is a possibility the blood clot comes loose and ends up in your lungs. This can result in a pulmonary embolism and that is life-threatening. So, take action as soon as possible! Luckily, thrombosis in your leg is easy to treat with blood thinners. When the blood clot is situated in your lower leg, blood thinners aren’t even necessary and compression stockings are enough.


Of course, prevention is always better than cure. To make sure you don’t develop deep vein thrombosis in your leg it is essential that you keep moving. When you sit still for extended periods of time, the risk simply increases. Smoking is also a big culprit because this causes your blood to clot more easily. So, you might want to stop doing that as well.

Read more: These 6 signals help you recognise a heart attack a month before it happens

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Source: Thuisarts | Image: pxhere 

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