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This is what happens to your body when you’re constipated


A lot goes on inside your body when you’re constipated

When you’re having a cup of coffee with your neighbour, your bowel movement is probably the last thing you’re talking about. It’s not a very comfortable topic of discussion, but of course, everyone has constipation every now and then. Want to know what it is that happens to your body when you’re feeling constipated? We’re here to explain it all.

Dr Carolyn Newberry explains to Bustle six things that happen to your body when you’re experiencing constipation. “[It] can affect the way other parts of your body function and feel,” she explains.

Muscle tears

Not being able to poop is uncomfortable enough as it, but constipation can also lead to the tearing of a certain muscle when you’re straining on the toilet. “Increased pressures associated with hard-to-pass stools can cause tearing in the external sphincter muscle,” Dr Newberry explains. This muscle is the one that regulates your bowel movements. If you have to apply increased pressure to this muscle on a regular basis, you might cause yourself inflammations and bleeding.

Change in appetite

When you’re not able to do a number two, you might experience the feeling of being full more quickly. This is especially the case for people who suffer from chronic constipation.


According to Dr Newberry, constipation and dehydration come hand in hand. In turn, dehydration and constipation can lead to other issues like headaches, dizziness and sweating.

Go to the next page to read about three other things that happen inside your body when you’re constipated!

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