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6 tips that will help you keep your blood sugar levels stable

2. Eat enough fibres

If your diet contains a lot of fibres, your body will need more time to break these down, which means the increase in blood sugar will go much more gradually. Vegetables are full of fibres and so are legumes and whole grains like oatmeal and buckwheat.

3. Eat regularly

Keep your blood sugar under control by eating regularly and not eating very large meals. Divide your meals over the day: eat three meals a day and eat an additional two snacks throughout the day.

4. Eat less sugar

Or at least avoid fast sugars. You can not only find fast sugars in candy, soft drinks and cookies, but also in white pasta and white bread. Try to avoid candy, soft drinks and cookies as much as possible and replace white bread and pasta with whole grain substitutes.

5. Add cinnamon to your food

Cinnamon is a true miracle product. It can work wonders in your garden, but it’s also very good for your blood pressure. Cinnamon makes sure you feel hungry less quickly and it keeps your blood sugar levels stable. So, why not add some cinnamon to your coffee, dinner or smoothie?

6. Exercise and get enough sleep

Try going for a walk after dinner a little more often. By doing so, you’re giving your digestion a little boost and you keep your blood sugar levels stable. Besides that, a good night’s rest is also important for stable blood sugar. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night.

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Source: A. VogelViv Online | Image: Unsplash

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