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These are 5 moments in which you SHOULDN’T drink water


Water isn’t always good for you…

Drinking a lot of water isn’t a bad thing, generally speaking. In fact, to drink enough of it is important for both the inside and the outside of your body. That’s because you need a sufficient amount of moisture to make sure all of the processes in your body (like your digestion, for example) run smoothly.

But in these exceptional cases it’s better to leave that glass of water to the side.

1. When you’ve already had a lot of water

Because, yes, there is such a thing as drinking too much water. When you drink too much of the clear liquid, you can disturb the balance of the natural salt in your body. This can cause a sodium deficiency, which can lead to headaches, nausea and even epileptic seizures.

2. When your urine is transparent

So, how can you tell if you’ve drunk enough water? Right; by going to the toilet. The color of your urine is an excellent indicator that tells you if you should drink more or perhaps less water. Is your urine a pale yellow color? That means you’re optimally hydrated; keep up the good work! If your urine is a dark yellow color it’s high time to have another glass of water (or two). Is your urine transparent? That’s a clear sign to stop drinking.

3. When you’ve just had a big meal

Have you just had a big meal? Then it’s best to refrain from drinking water for a little while. Water fills the stomach, which can make your stomach feel bloated if you drink it directly after eating a lot of food. Rather, wait until your food has settled down a bit before drinking that glass of water.

Go to the next page to read about two more moments when you shouldn’t drink water!

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