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5 x the worst nutritional advice dietitians ever heard

‘Having a cheat day will give your metabolism a boost’

Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Having a day of eating lots of calories actually has the opposite effect. The excess of calories you’ve consumed will be stored as fat. Georgie Fear explains: “The best way to keep your metabolism up and lose fat is not to down a whole pizza on Sunday, but to eat some carbs every day, strength train several times a week [and] get enough sleep.”

‘You only have to worry about diet and exercise’

If only this were true! There are many more things that influence your weight loss or gain. Some of these things are sleep, stress and surroundings. If you sleep less, you’ll gain more weight. Stress especially causes weight gain when it’s paired with excessive eating and alcohol consumption. Chronic stress affects your hormones and makes you want to eat more.

Read more: This is the top 10 of healthiest fruits to eat

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Source: Prevention | Image: Unsplash

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