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This stuffed baguette is super delicious! A true treat for the entire family!

stuffed baguette

This stuffed baguette is absolute heaven!

Some days you just want to eat something really, really yummy. Something special that’ll produce a smile on every face around the dinner table.

This stuffed baguette is one of those dishes the entire family will love. There will be no complaints about dinner today! No, everyone will love this dish, both you and the children. When we found this recipe our mouths started to water just thinking about it! It isn’t exactly healthy, so you won’t want to eat it every day, but everyone needs to indulge sometimes, right? This stuffed baguette is the perfect indulgence and super easy to make as well!

This is what you need:

  • 1 baguette (already baked)
  • 500 g minced meat
  • 1 packet bacon
  • 1 egg
  • to flavour your minced meat: salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika powder, dried parsley

This is how to do it:

  • Preheat the oven at 200 °C.
  • Mix together the meat, the egg and the herbs/spices in a bowl and knead it together with your hands.
  • Cut open the baguette, but make sure the ends are still attached to each other. So, don’t cut it open all the way.
  • Fill the baguette with the meat mixture and make sure everything is evenly divided.
  • Place a piece of aluminium foil on the kitchen counter and place a few strips of bacon on it, next to each other.
  • Place the baguette on top of the bacon and place the rest of the bacon on top of the baguette.
  • Fold both sides of the aluminium foil over the baguette and make sure it’s wrapped neatly and tightly.
  • Put the package into your preheated over and bake it for 45 minutes.
  • Leave it to cool, and enjoy!

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Source & Image: By Aranka