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This is what Meghan Markle eats in a day to maintain her figure!

Meghan Markle

  • After getting up: warm water with a bit of lemon
  • Breakfast: oat groats with banana and agave syrup
  • Lunch: salad with a bit of protein (like chicken)
  • Snack: apple with almond butter and sea salt
  • Pre-dinner: green juice
  • Dinner: pasta with zucchini/courgette, a lot of parmesan and a glass of wine

Not filming

When Meghan wasn’t filming, she was less strict with her diet. She didn’t stuff herself with all kinds of snacks, but she didn’t say no to some fries every now and then either. For breakfast, the now Duchess of Sussex likes to eat an omelet with fresh herbs and cheese on toast. For lunch, she often goes with seafood. She told Delish: “I’m always hoping I’m having lunch with people, so we can share fries.” She often chooses soup for dinner.

Read more: This is what Kate Middleton eats in a day! Fascinating!

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Source: Delish | Image: video still YouTube 5 News, Pexels

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