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With this sneaky trick McDonald’s employees make sure you’re not getting enough fries!


You don’t get enough fries because of this trick!

McDonald’s is probably our favourite fast food restaurant. We love their burgers and chicken nuggets, and we’re also big fans of the French fries. Yet sometimes when we get our order of fries, we’re pretty disappointed. Is it just us, or aren’t there as many fries in that little box as there should be? It turns out, we might just be right about that. Former McDonald’s employees reveal the truth!

If we are to believe them, it’s on purpose that they don’t completely fill the box of fries…

According to former McDonald’s employees, some of the restaurants issue instructions that the boxes shouldn’t be filled completely, without this being visible to the customer. And there’s a pretty sneaky trick to make sure no one notices: squeezing the cardboard boxes while filling them.

A former employee talked about the sneaky technique on American forum Reddit and other employees recognised his story. One of them said: “I only had 1 customer call me out on it. He shook the fries out into his bag and poured them back into the fry carton himself and it only filled up half way, so I had to give him more fries. I was impressed and embarrassed. It’s been 7 years and I can still see his face.”

No tricks
McDonald’s denies the existence of this ‘squeeze technique’: “‘We believe these claims to be fictional, there are no ‘secret tricks’ and we have strict operational procedures in place to ensure that fry portions are not under-filled,” a spokesperson told Daily Mail. We shouldn’t expect any further investigation: “Without a verified source we are unable to investigate this further.” Hmm… We’ll be sure to pay attention the next time we order fries at McDonald’s!

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Source: Viva, Daily Mail | Image as illustration