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Do you ever buy bagged lettuce from the supermarket? Then you should read this…


First, let’s explain why lettuce wilts so quickly. When lettuce is packaged in a plastic baggy, the manufacturer ads gasses to keep the lettuce fresh and crunchy. As long as the lettuce is unopened, it will stay quite fresh and it won’t wilt as quickly. Once you open the bag, these gasses escape, leaving the lettuce open to bacteria and airflow that will make the lettuce brown and soggy.

Paper towels

To keep lettuce from wilting, all you need are some paper towels. Simply stick a paper towel in your bag of lettuce to prevent it from going brown. The paper towel will absorb liquid from the lettuce, keeping it fresh up to five days longer. Replace the paper towel daily to prevent it from becoming too moist. This way you won’t just keep the lettuce fresh longer, it also prevents salmonella from spreading.

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