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Adding broccoli to your coffee is the new coffee trend. Would you give it a try?

coffee trend

Is this new coffee trend something for you?

Coffee trends are popping up all over the place. For example, we’ve already written an article on the benefits of adding cinnamon to your coffee. It’s also been said that adding a bit of oil or butter to your coffee is good for you. Do you think that’s strange? Then we’re curious to hear what you think of the coffee trend we’ve got for you today!

‘Sugar?’ ‘No, thanks, but I’d like some broccoli in my coffee, please.’


Health fans have been following the latest food trends for years already. A bit of beetroot juice or a green smoothie is nothing new to a true health fanatic. Now there’s something new we can try: it’s this coffee trend. It turns out we can make our coffee healthier by adding a little broccoli to it.

Healthy, healthier, healthiest

Broccoli is hasn’t been just a vegetable you eat at dinner time for a long time now. The green vegetable has long been seen as the ideal ingredient to add to a smoothie. So why don’t we add it to our coffee, then? This is probably what health fanatics from Australia were thinking, since that’s where this new product has been developed in is now being sold: broccoli powder. It’s a powder you can very simply add to your coffee.

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You can read all about this new broccoli powder on the next page!

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