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This is why you should blow-dry strawberries after buying them


Bought some strawberries? Blow-dry them!

We adore strawberries – they’re just so delicious! The lovely, sweet fruit is at its best in summer, but often available year-round, which we’re very thankful for! Unfortunately, the red fruit is also very vulnerable and that means we sometimes have to throw out half of them. Washing them is especially bad for them: you wash them and an hour later the strawberries have devolved into a mushy, soft mess…

Luckily, we’ve found a handy trick that will help you save your strawberries from a mushy death in only 30 seconds!


Before we go into this handy trick, we want to talk a bit more about the benefits of eating strawberries. This summer fruit is said to help you lose weight because they contain a surprisingly low number of calories. Not only that, but this fruit also contains a ton of anti-oxidants and vitamins. In fact, strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges do! The only fruit that contains more vitamin C is the kiwi. Strawberries also contain a lot of folic acids, which we also need to stay healthy. So, there are certainly a lot of reasons to eat more of this delicious and healthy red fruit!

Go to the next page to read about the quick trick that will help you keep your strawberries fresh and firm!

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