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7 tips that will improve your grill skills and help you host the perfect barbecue

4. Edible skewers

We usually use wooden or metal skewers for the well-known barbecue skewers. But did you know you can also use edible skewers? Try using a sprig of rosemary, for example. Remove the leaves that are in the way and stick the edible skewer through the meat. Your meat will also gain a very rich flavour like this!

5. Lemons

Those of you who’ve tried grilling fish before know how tedious it can be when the fish sticks to the grate of the grill. A simple solution to this problem is placing a few disks of lemon on the grate and placing the fish on top of this. That way, the fish won’t stick and it also has an extra fresh flavour due to the lemon.

6. Ice cube

It might sound strange, but an ice cube can help you grill the perfect burgers. To prevent the burgers from ending up super dry, all you need to do is place an ice cube on top of the burger when you grill it. It will make sure the meat stays perfectly tender.

7. Cleaning the grate

When your barbecue is over, it’s best to clean the grate of your grill as soon as it has cooled down. That way, you prevent food scraps from getting stuck to the grate. An easy way to clean the grate is by using a steel brush or a few bunched up pieces of aluminium foil to scrub it with.

Read more: Genius: place a muffin tin on your BBQ and you’ll be able to make THIS beloved dish!

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Source: EsquireThe Daily Share  | Image: Unsplash

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