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7 tips that will improve your grill skills and help you host the perfect barbecue


These tips might help you turn your barbecue into a great success!

We love a good barbecue and the season for it has now officially kicked off. When the temperatures are even halfway decent enough for us to go outside and grill some food in the garden, we’re going to do it. We also love inviting over our friends and family to come and join us for a fun barbecue. Do you enjoy a good barbecue as well and would you like to impress your friends with your BBQ skills? Then these seven tips will definitely come in handy!

These barbecue tips will take your grill skills to the next level!

1. Coals

To be able to grill, you’re going to need coals. If you’re the type of BBQ-er who spreads out the coals over the entire grill, we’re here to tell you that that is your first big mistake. It’s much smarter to use different zones. By working with hot and cold zones on your barbecue, you can place a piece of meat that isn’t done yet on the inside but is starting to get really brown on the outside on a cooler part of the grill. No more burnt sausages and hamburgers from now on!

2. Onion and herbs

Want to add a little more flavour to the food you’re grilling? Cut a big onion in half and rub the inside of the onion on the grate of your barbecue. This will do two things: it’ll provide more flavour to the food but it’ll also help to clean the grill. So, it’s smart to do this as you go along as well. Another smart tip is to throw some fresh rosemary on the hot coals to give your grilled food a nice smoky, herby flavour.

3. Heat

Is it time to grill your hamburgers and steaks? Then heat is your best friend. To check whether your barbecue is hot enough you can keep your hands 10 centimetres above the grate and count: twenty-one, twenty-two… Do you have to pull your hand away at this point because it’s getting too hot? Then you know it’s time to put on the burgers and steaks. Steak doesn’t have to cook all the way through, so it won’t burn. Burgers won’t burn either because they contain plenty of grease.

Go to the next page for 4 more great BBQ tips!

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