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This is what you should know about pigment spots

4. Inflammations

Inflammations or skin damage can also lead to pigment spots. People who’ve suffered from serious acne or eczema often also deal with pigmentation. Especially people who have dark skin run the risk of developing pigment spots because of this.

How can you prevent pigment spots from developing?

Do you want to combat the development of pigment spots? Then we have good news for you because it’s relatively easy to prevent them from appearing. Protect your skin against the damaging rays of sunshine by applying sunscreen to your skin on a daily basis. During autumn and winter, SPF 30 is sufficient, but during spring and summer, it’s best to go for SPF 50. You don’t need to stay out of the sunshine completely since only a large amount of sunshine can negatively influence your skin in the long term.

What can you do against already existing pigment spots?

Pigment spots are nothing to be ashamed of and they happen in people of every age. Discolouration that arises during pregnancy often disappears again of itself. Over the past years, a lot of products have been developed that can help diminish pigmentation. Most of these products work on the basis of active ingredients that reduce the production of melanin, which causes the discolouration to become less visible. If you have stubborn spots you really don’t like, the best thing to do is contact a dermatologist. They can prescribe medicines or reduce the discolouration through the use of laser or light treatment, or an intensive peeling.

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Source: Dokterdokter.nlMargriet | Image: video still

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