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8 food products that can help you get healthy, long hair

food products

Eat these food products more often if you want long, healthy hair

Would you really like to have longer hair, but does it seem impossible for your hair to grow? Or do you already have long hair but are you embarrassed to go to the hair dresser’s because of all the split ends at the bottom? You can do a lot for your hair by paying close attention to your diet. These eight food products will help you get healthy and long hair.

Your hair will thank you if you eat these foods a little more often.

1. Spinach

Spinach is full of iron, folic acid, vitamin A and beta-carotene. This makes it not only very healthy for your body; it’s also very good for your hair! By adding a little more spinach to your diet, your hair will grow stronger because it combats brittleness. Your hair will break off less easily and it will look a lot healthier too.

2. Sweet potato

We don’t mind this one at all because we love sweet potato fries! Sweet potato is full of beta-carotene as well, which keeps the skin on your head healthy. Vitamin A is said to speed up the growth of your hair.

3. Nuts

Nuts contain a ton of healthy fats that are very good for your hair. Almonds are especially good for you since they contain a lot of vitamin E.

4. Avocado

Avocados, too, are full of good fats and vitamin E, which stimulates hair growth.

Go to the next page to read about the other four food products that are good for healthy, long hair!

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