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5 food products that could reduce the bags under your eyes


These five food products can help combat the bags under your eyes

Dark circles or bags under our eyes: it’s not pretty and we always want to get rid of them as quickly as possible when we have them. Of course, you could try using all kind of expensive eye creams, but it’s much easier to just take a couple of these food products from the fridge! These (cheap) products are very efficient when it comes to reducing the dark circles under your eyes.

Say goodbye to those bags under your eyes and just rub one of these five food products on them!

1. Whole milk

One of the food products we already have in our fridge normally is whole milk. And this is the perfect product to help you get rid of the bags under your eyes! The lactic acid in whole milk has a calming effect on the skin and also hydrates it. Drench two cotton pads in the cold milk and put these under your eyes for a few minutes.

2. Egg whites

Another handy method for getting rid of the bags under your eyes is to use egg whites. Not only will it help you combat the dark circles under your eyes, but it will also make your skin tighter and help prevent wrinkles. Separate the egg white from the yolk in two separate little bowls. Whip up the egg white and apply it under your eyes with a small brush. Leave this to sit and do its thing for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Go to the next page to read about the other three food products that will help you reduce the bags or dark circles under your eyes!

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