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Wow, she puts her feet in a bath of Listerine and the effects are amazing! You should see this!


Bathe your feet in some Listerine: the effects are unbelievable!

Your feet carry you wherever you go; without them, you’d be a lot less mobile than you are now. They do need some special care to keep them in perfect condition, though, and the older you get, the more problems start to arise. Despite this, many people take their feet for granted.

With this trick, your feet will be soft and smooth once more!

Feet care

Taking care of your feet doesn’t have to take up hours and hours, but neglecting them isn’t a good idea either. Taking just a few minutes out of your day to pay some attention to your feet can already make a huge difference. And it’s a great way to relax as well! A lot of people have callused feet, warts, corns or dry skin. That’s not a very pretty look! It doesn’t really matter what your feet look like in winter, but if you take care of them during the cold months, you’ll hardly have to spend any time on them in the summer.


You don’t need any fancy pedicure products to take care of your feet either. All you need is a bottle of Listerine! The mouthwash will make sure your skin is smooth and soft, which makes walking around a lot more comfortable. It’ll also help to get rid of toenail fungus, dead skin, calluses, and dry and cracked heels. A true miracle product! Who knew some mouthwash could have such an amazing effect on your feet? The instruction video below shows you how to make you own Listerine bath for your feet. Enjoy!

Read more: Wrap your feet in aluminum foil and a few hours later you will have this result! This is genius!

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Source: wildturmeric | Image: video still Sharon Wise