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7 x bizarre dieting methods celebrities use to stay in shape

5. Reese Witherspoon

Over 17 years after Legally Blonde came out, Reese stills fits into her pink suit. We think that’s pretty impressive! How does she keep her body in shape like this? With baby food. The small jars of vitamin-rich food are ideal for a low-calorie diet. Each to their own, of course, but this one’s definitely not for us…


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6. Natalie Portman

Can you imagine having to train down to the figure Natalie Portman had in Black Swan? That’s no picnic! The actress had to lose no less than 10 kilos for this role. She reached this goal by living on a diet of purely almonds and carrots. That’s some iron discipline if ever we saw it.


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7. Madonna

So, what does the Queen of Pop do to look so amazing at her age? She looks at the moon to figure out what she can eat. Madonna lives according to the principles of the werewolf diet, just like Demi Moore. This means that you can only do a water cleanse or juice cleanse when it’s a full or new moon and you live primarily on raw meat. Besides that, Madonna eats several different types of seaweed to maintain her slim figure.


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Read more: This simple drink will detox your body and give you a flat stomach!

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Source: Marie Claire | Image: Nat Ch Villa, Wikimedia Commons

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