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7 x bizarre dieting methods celebrities use to stay in shape


We definitely have our doubts about some of the methods these celebrities use

Just like us mere mortals, celebrities have to make an effort to maintain their figure and weight (they, too, are only human after all). In fact, it can even be a little more difficult for them because they have to deal with the pressure of being in the public eye. The cameras are always on them. That’s why most celebrities work very hard to keep their bodies in perfect shape. Where some go for the ‘normal’ approach by simply eating healthy and working out a lot, others use more unconventional methods. These seven celebrities have some pretty bizarre dieting secrets…

One of these celebrities only eats baby food.

1. Beyoncé

Although Beyoncé is well known for her curves, she had to lose a couple of pounds for her role in the film Dreamgirls. To make this happen, she did a ‘master cleanse’: a seven-day juice cleanse. With a juice cleanse like this you drink a mix of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper and you don’t eat anything. Apparently, Beyoncé wasn’t a big fan because she never did the cleanse again. Instead, she now sometimes eats vegan for a couple of weeks at a time.


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2. Lady Gaga

It’s been said that Lady Gaga swears by the whiskey diet. For this diet, you can drink whiskey whenever you want and eat low-carb meals. You do have to exercise along with it as well, so you might have to do a workout when you’re hungover. Apparently, the diet is very effective, but we wonder whether your boss will be happy when you drink a couple of whiskeys on the job… Lucky for Lady Gaga, she’s her own boss.


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3. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow herself has said that she has something called ‘elimination’ to thank for her beautiful figure. This means that she doesn’t eat gluten, dairy or red meat during a period of 21 days. According to Gwyneth, she’s completely cleansed after those 21 days and has lost weight as well.


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4. Liv Tyler

Nineties icon and actress Liv Tyler has been around in Hollywood for a while now and still looks as radiant as ever. To stay in shape, she has a simple trick: cold showers. “I got this tip from a friend. Cold water causes your hair cuticle to close and it always makes me feel as if I get thinner,” Liv explains. It doesn’t sound very effective to us, but it might be worth a try, right?


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Go to the next page to read about the final three celebrities and their weird dieting habits!

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