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7 simple tricks that might help you get white teeth without bleaching them

5. Natural mouthwash

Mix a little bit of salt with some water and use this mixture as a natural mouthwash to get rid of plaque. However, for this tip the same goes as with the strawberries: don’t use it too often.

6. Kissing

Good news for all the lovebirds out there: a good bout of kissing works wonders for your teeth. Because you produce extra saliva when you’re kissing, your teeth are protected from plaque. A good excuse to do this a little more often!

7. Optical illusion

Looking for a trick that takes less time than all of the ones we mentioned above? You can just fake a white smile by wearing red lipstick with a blue undertone. This will make your teeth look whiter than they actually are. A classic case of optical illusion!

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Source: Cosmopolitan | Image: Pexels

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