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Looking to save some money? Here’s how you can make your own laundry detergent


You can easily make your own DIY laundry detergent and save a lot of money in the process

Making your own laundry detergent sounds like a lot of hard work you can easily avoid by buying some detergent at the supermarket instead. But if you want to pinch some pennies, DIY detergent can really help you out because it’s a lot cheaper than the supermarket versions. Plus, it’s really not that difficult at all and once you get the hang of it, you won’t want to go back!

Making your own detergent can save you a lot of money.

DIY detergent

It’ll cost you hardly any money and it’ll provide you with wonderfully fresh-smelling, clean laundry. And as if that isn’t enough already, it’s also much better for the environment! What more do you want? We’ve got a recipe for you that is very easy to make and that will prove once again that not everything in life has to be expensive.

What do you need for 2.5 litres of homemade liquid laundry detergent?

  • 45 grams of washing soda
  • 45 grams of neutral soap bar
  • 2.5 litres of water

Want to know how to make this detergent? Go to the next page to keep reading!

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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