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This is how you can use white vinegar to clean any type of floor

This is how you clean carpets with white vinegar:

This might sound strange, but you can also use vinegar to clean your carpet floor. If your carpet has started to emit a not so pleasant smell, for example, you can freshen it up using the following mixture. Add a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of white vinegar and two cups of warm water to spray bottle and mix it together. Spray this onto your carpet to freshen it up. You can also remove stains using vinegar. Mix half a cup of vinegar with half a cup of water and apply this to the stain. Let it sit and soak for a little while and then dab at it with a cloth. Don’t rub it because that will only make the stain worse.

Read more: These are the things you should NEVER clean with vinegar!

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Source: Apartment Therapy | Image: video still

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