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Yikes, no one likes a smelly dishwasher! With these tips it will smell fresh and fruity once again!

smelly dishwasher

Vinegar bath

If you don’t want to sacrifice two lemons to the cause, you can also use the following trick instead of the citrus cleanse. It’s pretty much the same: pour some vinegar in a bowl and place it on the bottom rack of your machine, then run it. You probably have a bottle of vinegar stashed somewhere in your kitchen, so you don’t even have to go to the store for this trick.


After you’ve done all this, check the filter and the bottom of the dishwasher for food scraps and other dirt or filth. If need be, you can use a damp microfiber cloth with a bit of dish soap to wipe the surfaces on the inside of the machine. Even though the dishwasher is made for cleaning dishes, it does need to be cleaned itself every now and again. A good cleaning of the inside of the machine will make your dishes come out even cleaner and shinier!

Read more: Stinky trash can? Put THIS in there before putting in the trash bag!

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Source: Real Simple | Image: Tips and Tricks©, Pixabay

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