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Yikes, no one likes a smelly dishwasher! With these tips it will smell fresh and fruity once again!

smelly dishwasher

Say goodbye to a smelly dishwasher!

There are few things as annoying as having a smelly dishwasher in your kitchen. Every time you take the clean dishes out of the washer, a nasty, musty smell seems to come out of the machine. That’s a pity, because you don’t want your clean dishes to smell like this too, of course. Luckily these tips will be able to help you make sure your dishwasher smells fresh and fruity once more.

From now on, your dishwasher will only smell like flowers.


A lot of people think dishwashers simply get rid of all the scraps of food left on the plates or pots, but it’s much better to rinse your dishes before putting them in the machine. Those pieces of food are indeed rinsed from your plates by the machine, but they have to go somewhere, right? They can end up in the filter of the machine or on the bottom of the dishwasher, which is what causes the nasty smell. Next time, before you put your dishes in the machine, deposit any food scraps you’ve got left into the trash.

Citrus cleanse

If the damage has already been done and you’ve got yourself a smelly dishwasher, here’s how you can fix it: place a bowl with two lemons (both cut in half) and a cup of water on the bottom rack of the dishwasher and then turn it on and let it run. The lemons will heat up, which will help to neutralise the nasty smell.

Go to the next page to read about what else you should do to avoid a smelly dishwasher in the future!

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