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A lot of people always skip this part when they’re cleaning the toilet

Dirty spots

The toilet bowl isn’t the dirtiest part of the little room. So, you shouldn’t just scrub the bowl, which is what most people do when they’re cleaning the toilet. The doorknob, light switch and flusher are spots that contain three times more bacteria, on average. Luckily, we’ve got a clear plan for you on how to properly clean your toilet. Here are the steps:

  • Throw out all loose items that shouldn’t be there, like empty toilet rolls. Empty the trash cans as well.
  • Put on rubber gloves and spray toilet cleaner in the bowl and under the edges of the bowl. Use the toilet brush to properly scrub clean the inside of the bowl and then place the brush inside the bowl for 10 minutes. That way, the brush ends up clean as well. In the meantime, you can clean the outside of the bowl, the seat and the water tank with some soapy water made with water and all-purpose cleaner. Flush the toilet with the toilet brush in it and then put it back in its place.
  • Prepare some new soapy water and use a fresh dishcloth to also clean the walls surrounding the toilet. A lot of bacteria can end up on the walls because of water splashing when you flush.
  • Next up is cleaning the sink: use some fresh soapy water and a new dishcloth for this as well.
  • Now, clean the doorknob, light switch and flusher. Use some bunched up toilet paper and spirit for this. Let it air dry.
  • Mop the floor and then wash your hands.

Read more: 10 reasons to keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your home

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Source: De HuishoudcoachLibelle | Image: Pexels

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