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This is why you should never rinse dirty dishes before putting them in the dishwasher

Loading the dishwasher

Everybody has their own way of loading the dishwasher. We know we’ve certainly had arguments before about how to put in our breakfast bowls… Some people seem to have a talent for stacking things as efficiently as possible while still making sure everything ends up clean. Other people just put the dishes in haphazardly and hope for the best. One thing a lot of people do as part of their dishwasher-loading ritual is rinsing the dirty dishes before putting them in. It turns out that’s actually a pretty bad habit, though.


You might think you’re helping out the dishwasher a little by removing the worst of the dirt, but this is anything but true. It might actually be doing more damage than good. Modern dishwashers contain sensors that can determine how long the machine needs to run to clean all of the dishes inside it. It determines this based on how dirty the dishes are. So, if you put in your dirty dishes without rinsing, the dishwasher ‘knows’ it needs to do a thorough cycle and your dishes come out squeaky clean.

Big chunks

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should leave all of your food scraps in your pans and on your plates. Big chunks of food are damaging to your dishwasher because it can get clogged and that’s not what you want. So, the best thing to do is scrape off any food scraps that might be left on your dirty dishes and then put them inside the dishwasher straight away. Let the machine do the work, it’s there for a reason!

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Source: TipHero | Image: Pixabay