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Remove limescale and soap residue with these two ingredients from your kitchen

How to do it:

  • Heat up the vinegar in the microwave or on the stove. It doesn’t have to be scalding hot, just warm to the touch. Don’t let it boil or get too hot, as you still have to be able to handle it with your bare hands
  • Use a funnel or a measuring cup with a spout to pour equal parts vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle.
  • Don’t shake the spray bottle, but gently roll it around between your hands to mix the ingredients.
  • Spray the mixture on the object you want to clean. Doors, tiles, the floor, the taps, you name it! Don’t be stingy and generously spray everything with the vinegar and dish soap mixture.
  • Use a sponge to rub in the cleanser. Then, wait at least 30 minutes to let it do its job. The warm vinegar combined with the dish soap will lift the grime and limescale from your shower.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your shower with cold water. If the grime is very old, you may have to repeat this process and try and scrub a little more with a sponge.


There are a few things that are important to note when using this method. If you clean the floor of your shower or bathtub, be aware that this soapy mixture can get quite slippery. Always clean your floor last, so you do not have to stand in the soap. Also, always rinse well to avoid slipping when showering. Moreover, don’t heat the vinegar too long, just warm is enough. By heating the vinegar the mixture will work much better than with cold vinegar, as it activates the cleaning components. Remember not to shake the mixture, as otherwise your spray bottle will be full of suds, which won’t spray easily.

Watch the video about this trick here:

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Source: TipHero | Image: Tips en Weetjes ©