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Got red eyes or a sore throat? This spot in your washing machine might be the cause

Rubber seal

This is how you clean behind the seal: open the door to your machine and clean the back of the rubber seal with a scrunched up piece of paper. There’s a good chance a lot of grey stuff will come off. This is a mixture of hairs, skin flakes, encrusted soap residue and bodily greases, which gets left behind if you wash on low temperatures a lot or use too much laundry detergent.

Soap compartment and drum

Apart from the rubber seal, it’s very important to properly clean your machine in other spots as well. One of those spots is the soap compartment. Take the compartment out of the machine and brush it clean. Then, use a cloth to also wipe clean the opening that houses the compartment. You can clean the drum by pouring in a generous splash of vinegar or half a cup of soda. Set your machine to a 90 °C programme. The combination of vinegar and a high temperature will cause fat, dirt and lime to dissolve. That way, your machine will end up completely clean and your laundry will smell wonderfully fresh again, too!

Read more: Sore throat? These are 9 things you can do to help

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Source: MargrietDaily Mail | Image: Pixabay

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