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7 tips to make every load of laundry less expensive

4. Eco programme

The eco programme on your washing machine is, as the name indicates, ecologically sound. When you use this programme, your washing machine washes at a low temperature and uses less energy. Add all of this up and you’ll be saving about 25 cents on every wash. The only downside: the eco programme usually takes up a lot more time than the other programmes.

5. No short programmes

You’d think shorter programmes would be cheaper because the washing machine is on for a shorter period of time. This isn’t true, though, because short programmes consume a lot more energy since the machine will automatically increase the temperature to compensate for the shorter washing time.

6. Drying

Do you usually use your tumble dryer to dry your laundry? Then it’s smart to use a washing machine that has a very good drying result. The washing machine will use more energy because of this, but drying very wet clothes in the dryer takes a lot more energy. Want to make it a lot cheaper? Then drying your laundry on a drying rack is the best solution.

7. Power button

Do you forget to turn off your washing machine after every wash? Then you might want to teach yourself to do so anyway. It won’t make you a lot of money, but as long as the lights on your washing machine display keep burning, the washing machine uses energy as well. No lights means no energy consumption, which saves you money!

Read more: 4 reasons why you should always keep a box of baking soda near your washing machine

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Source: Max Vandaag | Image: Unsplash

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